—Exchange Letter Details

—Exchange Letter Details—

Greetings, Exchange Creator, you have reached the letter for Salamander! This page includes Likes (both general and nsfw), DNWs (Do Not Wants) (both general and nsfw), sections for each fandom with sections within for each ship, and a list of prompts and ideas for each ship which you may use if you so desire. Although some sections are longer than others, this doesn't mean I would rather have those than any others - for FFXII and FFXIV especially I have just accumulated prompts and ideas over the years.

The prompts are not mandatory so feel free to pick and choose as you will!

Use the links in this contents list to jump to whichever ship or fandom you require. Click on the ‣ titles to expand and collapse each section!

Final Fantasy XII
— Ondore/Reddas
— Ghis/Bergan
— Cid/Vayne
— Noah/Basch
— Ashe/Basch/Vossler
— Ashe/Al-Cid/Balthier

Final Fantasy XIV
— Sartauvoir/Basch
— Lyon/Menenius
— Quintus/Jullus

Final Fantasy X
— Anima, Seymour's Mother, Seymour
— Auron/Jecht/Braska

Final Fantasy VII
— Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine
— Reeve Tuesti/Heidegger

Baldur's Gate 3
— Omeluum/Blurg

Interview with the Vampire RPF
— Eric Bogosian/Assad Zaman

Coldfire Trilogy - C.S. Friedman
— Gerald Tarrant/Damien Vryce

Cemeteries of Amalo - Katherine Addison
— Thara Celehar/Iäna Pel-Thenhior

Marvel Cinematic Universe
— Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes (freeforms for hurt/comfort exchange)

LIKES General Likes - General Fic Stuff
— Age difference: especially a much older guy with either someone a looot younger, or middle aged. Think 60s with someone either 20 or in their 40s! Focus on this is my favourite thing.
— Fluff: this one feels self-explanatory, but I just love fluffy shit! Even in kinky sex, I love it when the characters show they love each other, in a not-necessarily verbal way. Small touches, considerations of their partner's likes/dislikes, and I especially love it when their words don't match up with their actions. Like, a character says "we're not made for tenderness, you and I," but then is touching the other in a tender fashion, or something that would be tender for them. GETS ME EVERY FUCKIN TIME.
— Snark: banter, back and forth, swearing and casual conversation, and especially if it goes towards characterisation.
— Awkward and realistic sex: especially in relation to the age difference mentioned above! What's better than this, an older guy having to change position cos his knees are fucked, or his war wounds and scars are fucking him up?! This includes chatting during sex, whether a back and forth of banter or talk that you would generally find in actual real life meatspace sex.
— Loyalty kink: it's all about that Eternal Loyalty! *fist clench* Kings and their retainers or protectors, Commanders and their loyal subordinates, going the extra mile because they love them so much. Pushing themselves harder, taking more and faster than they probably should, just to make their superior proud. Especially if it goes both ways, and even more especially if this power dynamic comes into play during sex (but not in an abusive way). Title usage making someone horny, use of rank as a consensual power thing over the subordinate. HNNGH.
— Disability: characters actually being affected by their wounds or disabilities, exploration of how that would affect their lives and relationships, and their sex life. This is especially great in fix-it fic, if one half of the pair is saved from dying but has to then deal with being permanently disabled. I'll go into more detail on this in the specific ship sections, as I have some headcanons for certain characters and ships!

General Likes - The Sexy Stuff
— Double/triple/multiple penetration: in one hole or a combination of holes.
— Fisting
— Gunplay, knifeplay and weaponplay: if it involves a weapon being used in a sexy way, count me the fuck in.
— Gloves and leather: gloves on for sex? GOOD. Gloves in mouth? VERY GOOD.
— Clothes and armour kink: leave those gauntlets on, aww yeee.
— Size kink: kinking on size difference, big cocks that barely or don't fit, all good!
— Bloodplay: blood as lube, biting or licking blood off fingers? GOOD. Especially when combined with the aforementioned weaponplay.
— Tentacles, teratophilia: and other monster shit.
— Collars, choking and deepthroating
— Sounding
— Hair pulling
— Fireplay: this one is quite specific to one pairing, so I will elaborate in the relevant ship section.
— Transformation
— Oviposition in all forms: this is the only time when kids or pregnancy is good for me! Loads of eggs, consensual or non-consensual, it's all good!
DNWs General DNWs - General Fic Stuff
— 1st & 2nd person, and present tense: I prefer 3rd person past tense, although you can choose whether you want a tight POV or a more omniscient narrator. I don't mind some present tense in an action scene, but not for an entire fic please.
— Unhappy endings
— Manipulation and misunderstandings: kinda self-explanatory! I hate it when drama is generated through misunderstandings caused by miscommunication, or when one character is coldly manipulating the other. Even though a lot of my ships and requests are semi-antagonistic, or at least they have a certain sort of spicy tension, I prefer that to come from a place of mutual respect and liking.
— Unrequested ships: no unrequested relationships mentioned or involved at all please.
— Children: requested characters adopting children, requested characters having children or looking after children, or otherwise being surrogate/actual parents unless specified as part of the ship (ie: for incest-related kinks).
— Cold, unfeeling sex: sex as a means to an end, sex that doesn't matter. The only exception to this is in a pre-relationship scenario, where the characters haven't realised their feelings - fucks, friends or enemies with benefits - but even then, I prefer those situations to have mutual respect or liking involved, and this will be specified in any ships where it's okay.

General DNWs - The Sexy Stuff
— Noncon/dubcon unless specified
— Scat, watersports
— Omegaverse
— Lactation, mpreg, children, pregnancy in general, unless specified
— Gore and guro
— Body horror unless specified
— Underage sex (nothing prepubescent - 14 at minimum please)
Final Fantasy XII
Ondore/Reddas or: quail, where the FUCK did you get this pairing from what the fuck

Listen. LISTEN. There's that one scene where Reddas is leaning against Ondore's desk brandishing a bottle of booze while they discuss politics and it set something off in my BRAIN (first part of Giruvegan if u wanna check it out in the voice, as it were!). The something mainly being that Ondore is a manipulative, conniving old swine who will use people to get what he wants, and Reddas clearly knows something of this already! There's even official stuff in the Ultimania (translated by my good friend here) that says as much!
Becoming of a ruler of a state of miners, engineers and merchants with limited military resources, Ondore disdains war, preferring negotiation and trade, but if his hand is forced, he will "show no quarter," as Reddas notes, suggesting that his patience and pacifism barely outweighs his temper and pride.
Reddas knows him well enough that he can give this impression of him, which I find FASCINATING. I mean also Ondore is in his 60s and Reddas is in his 30s and that's just fucking hot. I am a simple woman, I see old man, I lust. He just deserves to get some pirate arse, okay? Okay.

Prompts & Ideas

— Age gap: again, 60s and 30s!!!! THIS IS HOT!!! Ondore has that suave, political knowhow and Reddas just has... well, that everything.
— Drunken merrymaking: idk, something about those bottles of booze man. I just have this image of Reddas throwing an arm around Ondore's shoulder and roaring out some pirate shanty bullshit while they're both drunk as skunks. It's cute. Maybe they have drunk sex afterwards. But ofc Reddas has a lot of (badly) suppressed guilt about Nabudis, so maybe he drinks to forget. Ondore helps him forget, for a moment, at least.
— Disability: Ondore walks with a limp and uses a cane, maybe he's particularly good with that cane! Maybe he holds Reddas down with it while he fucks him! But more importantly, I'd love something with Reddas showing an unexpected tender side when it comes to Ondore's leg. Big gruff pirate he may be, but he has a good heart and I like to think he'd be gentle. Besides, he knows what it's like to keep something within and away from the world - his might not be physical pain, but Reddas understands.
— Desk sex: that desk is hot okay? I want Ondore leaning against it, holding onto his cane for dear life while Reddas gives him a fucking mind-blowing blowjob. Or Ondore bending over said desk while Reddas rails him within an inch of his life, or the other way round, I'm not fussy on top/bottom order. Also good: big burly pirate sitting in large desk chair while Ondore rides him.

Bonus moe points
— Ondore's Nose, Reddas' sideburns, Ondore's curly grey hair, Reddas' little fucking COLLAR.

Ship Specific DNWs
— Yes I know Reddas dies, we're not thinking about it!! I can't think of a way that a fix-it would work without removing his agency in atoning for his past sins. If you can and you have a specific idea that would work for this, please go ahead, but I do think that sacrifice is an important part of his characterisation, and I emphatically do not want it erasing or handwaving away.

GHIS/BERGAN Yes I know, this one is almost as cracky as Ondore/Reddas, but allow me to explain: horrible old men hot. Horrible old men being horrible to each other hot!! Are they scrunkly looking? Yes! Are they defeated by their own horribleness and hubris? Yes!! Have they even spoken in the game on screen? No!! Does that matter? NO!

They would be incredibly hot together, and part of that is how different their politics and even bearings are. Bergan really worships Vayne, even his very addressing is ultra respectful, and everything he does is towards his goal;
"Ivalice hails her true Dynast-King, Vayne Solidor! He shall defy the will of the gods, and see the reins of History back in the hands of Man!"
As his Ultimania page says, he's a military man who believes that might makes right, which makes the excellent military strategist Vayne perfect for his admiration.

Compare this with Ghis, who holds such contempt for Vayne that his own downfall is brought about because of it - he believes he'd be a better emperor;
"Blood alone does not an emperor make, Vayne."
he has no loyalty or respect for Vayne personally (see translation here from his Ultimania character page).

Imagine them both fighting and sniping about politics! Additionally, Ghis is the replacement Judge Magister for the missing Zecht, who we know Bergan had great regard for, so I can imagine he'd be even more pissed that his friend was replaced with this pathetic paper-pushing bureaucrat. I like to imagine that they argue a lot, maybe spar too because I'm a slut for a sparring situation, but end up with a grudging admiration for the other completely unexpectedly. Bergan has a temper, speaks abrasively and seems prone to violence (potentially exacerbated by his nethicite bones but that's just speculation!), and I can imagine him being very easily provoked by Ghis - on the flipside, Ghis is a fussy, ostentatious man, easily needled and always condescending. It's a good combo!!

As a note, I know that the Ultimania says that Bergan is 33 and Ghis 41, but I call bullshit to that! I headcanon Ghis to be at least in his late 50s and Bergan in his mid 40s, so still a nice little age gap.

Prompts & Ideas

— Sparring: whether verbal or physical, sparring with these two is fucking hot! Maybe Bergan is trying to teach Ghis how to fight properly, maybe they're taking out some frustrations on each other, maybe Ghis sees Bergan training every day when he's leaving his offices and he's all hot and sweaty and he pours a big thing of water over his head to cool down and it's all Ghis can think about for that night as he guiltily wanks himself into a stupor, much to his disgust at himself!
— Nethicite: we know that Bergan has nethicite implanted into his bones by Dr Cid, but what happens after that? What are the implications of that on Bergan physically and mentally? Can he heal? Can he come back from the dead, even (if we ignore the events of Bur Omisace ofc lol)? Does it make his already hot temper even worse? Was he sworn to secrecy by Cid, and how does he deal with the changes in his body after the surgery? There is an implication that nethicite enhances strength, and this is super fucking hot to consider! Bergan having to hold back his new strength, to learn how to use it and not accidentally kill whoever he's using it on! How would Ghis react to all this? The possibilities!!!
— Armour kink: both Ghis and Bergan wear pretty heavy armour, even if Ghis is the lightest-armoured out of all the Judge Magisters. This gives, naturally, a loooot of opportunity for armour kink! I love sex in armour, gauntlets for fisting and fingering, even just pressing one another against the wall and mutually jerking off is so good. Armour care is also very very hot, as well as careful removal of all the pieces after a particularly hard battle, maybe with wounds to take care of as well! With all the prickliness they'd both show at being injured and needing to be mended eheh.
— Gloves, leather and weaponry: self explanatory! Both men use very nice, if impractical weapons, Ghis wears leather gloves topped with light armour and Bergan has similar leather looking gloves but with much heavier armour on the backs. Ah the possibilities! Weapon maintenance, leather/glove kink, metal and leather against hot flesh, hrrghh hot as fuck.
— Size difference: so it's really hard to tell their height difference with both wearing those helmets, but consider that Ghis is clearly a mage, his first recourse aboard the Leviathan is to conjure a powerful spell and only when that fails does he resort to his weapons. Bergan on the other hand uses a pair of ridiculous sword... hacking... things, that probably take a lot of strength to wield. Plus I like to think he's properly massive under that armour - his thighs alone look HUGE so you know. Large strong man, smaller magick man, hot hot hot. I know that Bergan has no scars on his face that we see in the small amount of time it's visible, but I like to think he has quite a few all over his body from his lifetime of fighting - maybe he has some new ones from the nethicite surgery!

Bonus moe points
— Both of their massive honking noses, Ghis' stupid little goatee and fancy curled hair (what does THAT look like all messed up huh?!), Bergan's properly nasty little smirks and his big mane of hair, how both of them are definitely not handsome in any traditional sense of the word

Ship Specific DNWs
— I don't really want any other background, implied or past ships with these two please! So no Ghis/Ondore or Bergan/Zecht etc.

"Won't Cid be eager to learn what has happened here. History begins anew."
It's all this quote, I tell you what. I mean, also the fact that they were clearly close! Vayne funds Draklor, I like to imagine that he spent a lot of time there through his life - maybe Cid was the father figure he was sorely missing from Gramis. Also just check out the section on honorifics from the Ultimania here - they consider each other as equals and comrades! AHHHH!!!

Prompts & Ideas

— Age gap: yeah this one definitely counts for them! Vayne is 27 and Cid is 58, that's some good shite! Especially since the Ultimania translation mentions him using 'anta' to refer to Vayne, which has connotations of "you, young man", and I'm fucking obsessed. I can't decide who I'd prefer to top or bottom in this scenario, both is good!
— Incest: okay, so pseudo incest, work with me here. You know how up there I said that it would be interesting if Vayne saw Cid as a bit of a father figure? That, in the context of them fucking, oh boy. Really leaning into the incest kink of it all, good shite.
— Missing scenes: we know that Vayne funded Draklor secretly, and I like to imagine that he spent a long time there with Cid, learning about his research and his vision. What did they do on these visits? Did he stay up late with Cid, knowing he'd be up all night buried in his work? Does he help a little, or do they have just talks about their plans? I love that Vayne was Cid's confidante, which I think we can imply from the fact that he knows Venat and was fully bought into his plans to place the reins of history back in the hands of man.
— Gadgets/Technology: Cid is such an inventor I would find it very suspicious if he hadn't come up some interesting ways to bring tech into the bedroom! Feel free to go completely wild with any of the stuff in my likes here - bondage tech, sounding, fuck machines, it's all good!
— Post-game: I absolutely LOVE the thought of these two meeting again in the afterlife, celebrating the fruition of all their hard work and sacrifice, maybe lamenting the pain Vayne had to suffer to bring it all to an end. I really really love exploration of a post-game Vayne who's disabled from becoming the Undying, because that transformation looks so fucking painful! It has to have left scars and damage - imagine Cid finding him in the afterlife, cradling his now-broken body and nursing him back to "life" or ghostly consciousness at least. This is one instance where the "no unhappy endings" can be waived, because although I would love them both to survive, the culmination of the game is actually really satisfying to me because they won, against all odds, and they're both men who were willing to do whatever it took to bring that about. UGH SWEET PAIN, SO DELICIOUS.
— Cid-centric: I'd love to see any exploration of Cid! His journey to Giruvegan, his first meeting with Venat, how his experimentation with nethicite went and how he produced manufacted nethicite, how he designed the Bahamut (for Vayne!!! [insert sobbing face here]). Even something post-game - I'm a sucker for afterlife stuff, but if he or Vayne were to somehow miraculously survive, I'd very much enjoy that as well!

Bonus moe points
— The way Cid talks real fast and excited when he's onto a subject he's passionate about, his stupid little laugh, his cute glasses and chunky older man body (HRRGHH), Vayne's fantastic nose and his beautiful hair, his sharp intelligence being a match for Cid's, both of them bent over some research or other, hands barely touching and a shiver of potential between them...

Basch/Noah I love everything about Basch/Noah so damn much! Their antagonism, their complicated past, how Noah holds so much hatred in his heart for Basch after he abandoned him and their mother, and their homeland to the Empire. He was left to watch their mother waste away from illness in Archades all alone, had to abandon his family name and live with being an outsider forced to bend to his country's conquerors - it's no wonder he's so bitter, as described in an Ultimania entry here. He's also completely unable to be calm at Basch's presence or even any mentions of him, which is fantastic!

Prompts & Ideas

— Antagonism: I'm endlessly fascinated with their antagonism, how much Noah's carried with him that's just festered over the years. How he's doing his duty, speeching at Ashe at the Pharos, trying to goad her to find out her real purpose, then the very second Basch speaks, he loses all semblance of calm and flies into a rage. I love Basch's response to this, the difference in their temperaments and what men they've been forged into.
— Sparring: I love to think about them sparring together, honing their skills, getting sweaty and maybe abandoning weapons and wrestling, skin to skin. Or using the weapons in creative ways.
— Post-game/Fix it: As should not be a surprise, I love post-game exploration for ffxii, and this ship is no exception! I love it when Noah survives (in whatever way you fancy) and has to deal with all he's wrought, rebuilding their relationship from the roots upwards. How would he work with Basch after everything that happens at the end of the game? Would he stay around with him and Larsa?
— Disability: I greatly enjoy the idea of a Noah who's still alive at the end of the game but has some lasting damage from his injuries. I'm not fussed what form this takes, but I'd love exploration of how this affects him, how he has to adapt.
— Twins: Twincest good!! I love how identical they are, save for Basch's scar and their hairstyles, and I LOVE how Basch cuts his hair at the end of the game so he looks even more like Noah. I love it when there's focus on how they look alike while fucking, really kinking on it. Good shite.
— Reconciliation: Kinda tied into the post-game ideas, I wanna see him and Basch reconcile. I wanna see every painful step of it, can they ever get back to how they were before, as boys? They've both gone through so much - can Basch forgive Noah for what he's done? Can Noah forgive Basch for abandoning them? Yes please!!

Ashe/Basch/Vossler It's all about that *fist clench* Loyalty Kink. I love to think about Basch and Vossler being Ashe's sworn vassals, from when she was young, how she fitted into their relationship, whether theirs was pre-existing or not. How they're both so loyal to her, but in different ways.

I'm easy on their dynamics, but I do enjoy Ashe being her bossy, dominant self. I'm also easy on configuration of penises into holes too, basically any way round is good! Ashe with the strap? >:3c

Prompts & Ideas

— Loyalty kink: Swearing their allegiance, how both Basch and Vossler are so loyal to Ashe in their own ways, how they'd do anything to protect her.
— Sparring: I love to think about them sparring together, honing their skills, getting sweaty and maybe abandoning weapons and wrestling, skin to skin. Or using the weapons in creative ways.
— Training/sparring: I headcanon that Vossler and Basch taught Ashe to fight - she's clearly already able to use a sword when we meet her as Amalia, and I want to see them training her! This can be pre-game when she's younger or during the Resistance times, or even post-game if you go for a fix it kinda situation. She might be queen now, but she's gotta keep up her ability, right!
— Fix it: No body, no death right? RIGHT?! I just want Vossler to have to live and confront his mistakes!! If Noah also lives, does Basch stay in Dalmasca with Ashe and Vossler? Or does he have to split his duties between Larsa and Ashe, for the vow he made to Noah? As a note on this specifically, I love Noah/Basch, so if you want to mention their complicated relationship then it's fine, but I'd rather them be two separate AUs, never the twain shall meet.
— Age difference: Ashe is a fair bit younger than Vossler and Basch and I love that a lot. I like it if their relationship develops before the game, when Ashe is a younger princess, or even if it develops to fruition during the game's events.
— Forgiveness: It's a running theme with these three! Ashe forgiving Basch after she realises it wasn't him who killed Raminas, how Basch and Ashe would both have to forgive Vossler after the Leviathan, if he doesn't die there (see fix it above!). How would their relationship fall back into place after this, with Ashe now as queen?

Ashe/Al-Cid/Balthier I love Ashe/Balthier, I love Balthier/Al-Cid and I love Ashe/Al-Cid, and all three of them together strike me as a really good combination. They're all so hot as well, god. I love this ship in a post-game capacity, where they finally get to act on all the intense flirting, as well as an all-sided sort of threesome where they're all super horny for each other.

Prompts & Ideas

— Courting: I love to think of Ashe and Balthier falling in love during the game, then Al-Cid appears at Bur-Omisace and throws a wrench in the whole situation. They both court her furiously, while also courting each other at the same time maybe!
— Sky piracy: The end of the game makes me cry so much ("I love you enough to let you go free" thanks Kiss Me Goodbye!!!!), and I love the thought that Balthier continues to be a sky pirate while dropping in on Ashe and Al-Cid between jobs, snatching meetings whenever they can.
— Visiting Rozarria: Ashe going to finally see Rozarria with Balthier along for the visit. Al-Cid showing them both around his country and his home, showing them beautiful sights and meals and decadence. A real Rozarrian welcome, and sex under the stars on his balcony.
— Courtly romance: I'm a sucker for courtly romance, so I'd love to see Al-Cid and Ashe in this situation, especially with Balthier thrown into the mix. Dances at Ashe's court, how they all navigate her queendom and the relationship between their countries!
— Politics: One of my fave things about ffxii is how political the story is, and I'd love to see more of that with the relations between Rozarria and Dalmasca after the war is over. Ashe negotiating with the Margraces, their marriage perhaps being a political alliance but a happy one again. How would Balthier be involved in this situation?

Final Fantasy VII: All Media Types
Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine Ahh one of my oldest OTPs!! I've been absolutely in love with valenwind since I first played the OG way back when, they just have something so so good!! It's about the *fist clench* opposites attract, you know?! Finding common ground even when they feel so completely different upon their first meeting, how they've both been fucked over by ShinRA in some way or another! I love their little interactions in the OG, going off to their room(s) (you KNOW it's a shared room!!) in the Saucer, Vincent saying he admires Cid's "go get 'em attitude"!!

For Remake/Rebirth, I was a little disappointed by how little interactions they got, BUT I love how there's so much room between scenes where they're hanging out by the Bronco, it gives so much room for playing around! Also their Saucer date just fucked me up lmao, I know it was meant to be the joke option, but my god. Fed.

Prompts & Ideas

— Monsterfucking: Excellent from Cid's point of view!!
— Vincent focus: Exploration of Vincent's monstrous side as a character study
— Cid focus: Cid's engineering expertise, getting dirty under his airship
— Weapons & weaponry porn: Weapons maintenance, or maintenance of Vincent's arm - can be sexy or not!
— Disability: Vincent's arm being a prosthetic, exploration of its loss, how it affects him, use of it during sex
— Cigarettes: Sharing a smoke, stubbing them out on each other, shotgunning smoke, lighting up under the Highwind in a rainstorm

Bonus moe points
— Cid being a brash, loud, abrasive and especially sweary kinda guy, Vincent being pretty much the opposite; Vincent's big cloak he hides in, Cid's fucking bow-legged run, AUGH

Ship Specific DNWs
— No "old man yaoi" for these two please! Cid is 32. Also no "starshine" nickname for Vincent!

Reeve Tuesti/Heidegger One of the most surprising ships for me to come out of Remake with and no mistake! Reeve spends SO long looking like a sad kicked puppy, especially in reaction to a lot of Heidegger's bullshit, that I just think it'd be nice for him to get dommed within an inch of his life by that hot giant of an old man!!! Nothing much more to this one tbh lol, I just think they're neat dot png.

Prompts & Ideas

— Size Difference: WHEWEE that fucking size difference!!! Heidegger is so fucking large, I wanna see him taking advantage of that!!!
— BDSM: It's interesting (and hot...) to think of them in some sort of BDSM Thing. Power exchange, shibari and bondage, poorly negotiated kink stuff, VERY HOT. I like their clothes for this, and Heidegger's big hands, Reeve's tie etc.
— Cockwarming: VERY FUCKING HOT!!! Especially fun to think about Reeve being under Heidegger's desk for so long, lulled almost to sleep by it, Heidegger's hand coming down every so often to pet his hair...

Final Fantasy XIV
Sartauvoir/Basch WHERE do I fuckin start! Where?! You know up there where I mentioned age difference and loyalty kink? Yeah, this is the one. This is the fuckin one. Okay so they might have maybe 30 years age difference, but that's still good! It's still hot!!

So. The manifesto on these two guys you've potentially never heard of (unless you're one of like 5 whole people who ship it, in which case HELLO I am preaching to the converted!). Basch van Gabranth, deceased long before we meet any of the IVth Legion in game. A Knight who bent the knee to the Garlean Empire upon their conquest of Landis and one who seems to garner intensely fierce loyalty from all members of the IVth, Sartauvoir being no exception. We don't know much about Basch himself, only that his son Noah continues to uphold his values, and that the IVth is comprised almost entirely of non-native Garleans, who are described as having "fervent adoration" for their Legatii.

Then we have Sartauvoir quo Soranus, Mage-Knight of Mannatheihwo, described as a sadistic pyromaniac whose favourite pastime is burning people alive. After the conquering of Mannatheihwo, the Mage-Knights spread to all corners of Landis. Basch wanted to create a contingent of his own sorcerers to counter the Dalmascan war mages, so he sent men to recruit Sartauvoir, who himself was in hiding, posing as a tutor and academic. Sartauvoir rebuffed their efforts multiple times, right up until Basch decided to take things into his own hands.

One day, Sartauvoir was greeted at his place of learning by a soldier unfamiliar to him. Though the soldier stood alone, was advanced in years, and carried not even a dagger in his hand, Sartauvoir knew in an instant that even his most potent incantations would be no match for this man. So it was that he exchanged words face-to-face for the first time with Basch van Gabranth, and so it was that the mage - struck to his very core by the legatus's words - did swear to him his undying loyalty.
After this, Basch dies at some nebulous point in time (I reckoned this to be around 2 years, from the lore in the node at Gangos), and yet 30 years later, Sartauvoir pretty much has mentionitis about his beloved Legatus. When you fight him during the Dalriada, he mentions Basch like three times in the little popup voicelines, saying that he taught him well, that he can't sully his memory by giving up, and then, finally (and this one's the kicker), that he will not be dying alone, and that he prays Basch is watching him.

Well, ships have been born from less! But this one gets me right in the feelies. SO, onwards we go!

Prompts & Ideas

— loyalty kink: is the real fucker here. Yeah, Basch is dead in game, but what the fuck did he say to Sart to get him to be that loyal in the first place? They must have been having some glorious fucks or something, to say the least. Really go ham on this if you want to, it's the Good Shite!
— Age gap: yeah we don't know Basch's age, but I reckon he was probably in his 50s-60s before he died, and since Sart is 61 in current Bozja timeline, he was probably about 30 when he got recruited. HOT.
— Sad ending: this is where you can start working on this, since they've technically already HAD their sad ending. We might kill Sart during the attack on the Dalriada, but to him, that's a good thing because he can finally reunite with his beloved Legatus after 30 long fucking years. He can finally not be alone. [insert sobbing here]
— Training and sparring: Sart's voice line says "Legatus Basch taught me well, as you will now see!" during his Dal fight, so that implies heavily that either Basch got very involved training his men (I can see it, tbh!) or that he was personally heavily involved in training Sartauvoir alone. HOT. We don't know what weaponry Basch favours, but loading in Noah's data in modding software shows us that he uses twin swords, so it's not too big of a leap to think he learned that from his father. Mage-Knights I headcanon to fight with staff and sword, and since Sart uses a sword in his transformed form in Dalriada, you could use that.
— Transformation kink and/or teratophilia: Sartauvoir has two completely different transformed forms; one from his duel "And the Flames Went Higher" and one in Dalriada. The duel form resembles a large fiery golem (looks like the Living Flame/Living Liquid monster), and the Dal form uses the Lugus model from the Grand Cosmos. Both of which are LARGE. This is HOT. I like to think Basch finds this really sexy, like oh my god this lanky beanpole of a mage-knight who spends all his time highly covered up can turn into these huge things? HOT.
— Fireplay: Sart is a pyromancer supreme, and his control of the flames is said to be second to none. So basically, go mad with this one! Flame coating hands, heated yet totally safe and trailing a hot, hot path up a shivering spine, keeping tight hold of that control so he doesn't burn them both up as he comes, fire cockrings, GOD you name it, you can be totally creative with this shit, even to the point of Sart leaving little burns on Basch's skin to mark him if you want (although this isn't compulsory ofc, it's more about the control factor!).
— Disability: this one is more of a headcanon, but I find it interesting that Sart wears a huge hat, which has a built-in eyepatch over one eye, and then an even bigger swathe of hair covering his other eye. I suspect he has some eye damage or trauma necessitating the eyepatch situation. Building on this, I like to hc that he's a little shy about that - his outfit itself is quite flashy, so I think he's a fastidious man who cares about his appearance, and it follows to me that he might not want people to see the eye because of this. This is obviously all conjecture and headcanon, but if you wanted to incorporate that I'd love to see something around how he deals with letting himself be vulnerable with Basch. Similarly, we know that Basch "succumbed to a deadly illness", and he was in his late prime/getting on in years when they met - it could be interesting to have some exploration on how he deals with this (but nothing too sad/dwelling on the morbidity unless it's going to have a happy ending please! I love hurt/comfort but the comfort gotta be there).
— Fluff: Really fucking sappy shit. Like, idk, I usually love rough kinky sex but outside of the fireplay stuff (which honestly is more about the control and the emphatically not hurting) for these guys I just really want them to be fucking happy old men together. What do they do in their (probably very rare) downtime? What's their reunion after both their deaths like? Soft, gentle sex, god even just like... laying in front of the fire with Sart reading a big dusty tome in Basch's lap while he plays with his hair. UGH. I know this might be vaguely OOC for what is a pair of one sadistic pyromaniac and one commander of a Legion in war, but the heart wants what it wants.

Bonus moe points
— Sart's stupid fucking hat, Basch's big nose, both their damn beards, Basch wearing glasses as he got older

— Here's some refs of how I imagine Basch to look! This is the model I use for my screenshots (which you can find a whole thread of here on my twitter!) :3< *I should also mention that since Basch is pretty much a blank slate character, please don't feel like you have to follow the characterisation from my fics or anything! I'd love to see more interpretations of him, I live for that shit!

Lyon/Menenius GOD I fucking love them so much!!! I've been on the Lyon/Menenius train since their first lot of cutscenes and I'm still not off it. Old men? Check. Superior/inferior relationship? Check! Uptight, tightly wound asshole/boisterous troublemaker? CHECK. They were like made in a science lab, directly for me!!! Also I'm obsessed with Menenius sacrificing himself for Lyon, despite all their bickering. It just. OUGHHHHH. FEELINGS!!!!! SO MANY FEELINGS!!!!!

Prompts & Ideas

— Fix It: I LOVE Menenius sacrificing himself for Lyon, but I also would love it if he's still alive afterwards! I am very firmly tin hat screwed on that he did in fact survive and is being hidden away by Lyon and Pagaga, so exploration of that would be amazing! Lyon gruffly nursing him back to health like he's one of his beloved beasts! Careful post-injury sex!! Menenius having some sort of permanent disability afterwards! It's all good. It would be very fun if they'd been dancing around a relationship before the Dalriada but never got to act on them because, well, wartime, and then they finally confess and consummate when Menenius is recovering or fully better!
— Power Dynamics: Menenius is Lyon's superior and I'm obsessed with it!! I love how unruly Lyon is, it's very fun when Menenius brings him to heel like the rabid dog he is. I love it when Menenius is the dom, but I'm easy on top/bottom variations (both? Both is good!), and I also like it when Lyon takes charge! Basically any combo haha.
— Professions: So we know that Menenius' has his "own pride and joy - a fearsome detachment of magitek warmachina", and obviously Lyon is a famed beastmaster. I'd love some exploration of either of them just being competent with their jobs. I hc that Menenius is pretty good at engineering and magitek stuff, especially because of Saunion (his big magitek thing during their Dalriada fight), so it'd be fun to see something about that. Maybe Menenius helping Lyon out on one day to look after his beasts? Or accompanying him to a delicate location to pilfer an egg that later hatches to be Dawon? Helping him while he has his hands full with sick creatures? Endless possibilities!
— Age Difference: Menenius is 55 and Lyon is 68, so they're both on the older end, but Lyon is still older and I love that (surprise surprise)! He also isn't above lording his age over people, as we see by him calling everyone "boy", including Menenius himself - this is fun during sex stuff! And it's very fun considering their power dynamics as well, since Menenius is his commanding officer!
— Armour Kink: Menenius wears the usual Garlean officer full suit of armour, and it's so fucking hot. I love to imagine him fucking Lyon while still wearing most of it, or Lyon fucking him while he's wearing it. Fingering or jerking off using those gloves, it's all good. It's a super hot contrast to Lyon, who wears basically as little clothes as he can manage lol.

Quintus/Jullus Garlemald was the best section of Endwalker, don't @ me! And you know why? Because Quintus and Jullus exist. I know Quintus is a controversial character to like, but it's like he was made specifically for me - old man, giant nose, big fluffy, soft-looking beard, generally kind of a douchebag. And that armour! Hot!! I'm just generally fascinated with him, and especially with his relationship with the young officer Jullus pyr Norbanus, the youngest person to make the rank of 'pyr'. :3

I find Quintus a tragic figure - he's so patriotic, blindly so, and so firm on his pride that he can't conceive of even the idea of non-Garleans wanting to help his people. He's stuck in the past, and I'm obsessed!

Prompts & Ideas

— Age gap: HELLO!! We don't know how old Quintus is but he looks to be in his 50s imo, maybe older! And although we don't know how old Jullus is, it's said he's the youngest person to make 'pyr', and since we know that Llofii pyr Potitus is 19, I reckon Jullus is 17, 18 at the oldest (I don't mind if you HC him younger, but no younger than 16 please)! That age gap is fucking delicious, so focusing on that would be A+++.
— Disability: Quintus' lore says he was severely injured during the first tempering incident, and he lost the ability to wield his weapon. Exploration of this would be amazing! How does Quintus feel, losing everything that he thought he was? We don't know what weapon he favoured outside of the fateful (and beautiful) gun, and his armour is the Scouting set, so feel free to go ham with whichever weapon he might have lost the use of. Does he take out his new weakness on Jullus? Maybe he uses their relationship as a private place where he can take back some of the control he feels he's lost - feel free to lean into a D/s relationship here if you want to, dom!Quintus is GOOD SHITE and Jullus makes such a pretty little sub. Whatever you decide for his injury (leg, hip, whatever), I'd love it if he had something physical underneath his armour - harsh, twisted scarring, a leg brace - or even if he uses an aid when he's alone or with Jullus only.
— Weaponplay: Gun play, knife play, sword play, all is good! Jullus sucking off his beautiful pistol, or Quintus playing with him with a wicked little knife, even with a gunblade if you can wangle it. Hrrrghhh.
— Power Imbalance: Quintus is obviously not only Jullus' superior, he's also much older than him, so there's power imbalance in a few different angles, and I love that shit! Jullus calling him Ser; Quintus giving him orders as he fucks him; forcing him to suck his cock under the desk as he does paperwork; maybe that's even how Jullus got his promotion, by being an eager little cockslut. I do prefer it if Quintus does have genuine feelings for Jullus though, and vice versa - maybe neither of them expected feelings to happen, but oops! You've gone and fallen for the stern old man who's your superior! I also love a focus on Quintus' very presence - he's max height for a Midlander and Jullus is min height, so although that doesn't make Quintus very tall compared to other Garleans who use Elezen models, he still has that broad, confident older man presence to him that lets him control any room he's in. Jullus finds this exceptionally attractive! This could also feature in some loyalty kink as well, if you so desired!
— Armour and clothes kink: I'm obsessed with people staying fully clothed or fully armoured while fucking, and these two are no exception! Quintus wears some really hot gauntlets, fisting is good, you know what could make it better? Gauntleted fisting. Or Jullus rutting up against his armour, begging for Quintus to let him come or begging for him to bend him over that ratty sofa and fuck his mouth until he passes out from lack of air (I HC that Quintus has a really big cock so pls run with that!) Or what if they were going to a formal event but Jullus has never worn a fancy suit before and he doesn't know how to tie his tie - Quintus comes up behind him and guides his hands in the motions, watching him in the mirror the whole time. If he's good, Quintus might use that tie later on, either to tie Jullus' hands or keeping it around his neck, holding him up with it as he fucks his mouth. Erotic asphyxiation is great for these two, especially if it's involving Quintus' fat cock or his beautiful pistol. Also the idea of Quintus in a dress uniform, maybe with some medals, is unbearably hot. HRRGHHH.
— Fluff: And then after all that kink, honestly I'd just love anything with them being tender - Quintus can be rough and stern, but at the end of the day he does have feelings for Jullus, though he'd probably never say them out loud in as many words. Showing that love with tender touches, careful aftercare maybe, ugh. Good shite.

Ship-Specific DNWs
— Although I like fucked up flavours for these two, I prefer them to have some feelings for each other at least (not necessarily healthy ones!)!

Final Fantasy X
Anima, Seymour's Mother, Seymour I absolutely adore this big creepy bastard! I love his soft voice, I love his fuzzy tummy, I love his ridiculous hair and the almost dreamy, floaty way he walks and moves. I love anything and everything Guado related in general, so I’d be happy with anything at all for Seymour! Same for Anima, I love her.

added Seymour's Mother as well as Anima because I love either or both as a ship with him! Their relationship is so complex and fucked up, I love any and all exploration of it, and honestly I can't get enough! Her devotion to him that persists even through the final transformation, the estrangement between Jyscal and Seymour, was it in part helped along by the loss of his mother? Does their relationship continue even after her transformation into Anima? This relationship is an exception to my no underage rule - I like it fucked up.

Prompts & Ideas

— Childhood: Seymour had a really shitty childhood, from bullying to ostracisation. It would be interesting to see how he coped with that, or how it continues to affect him as an adult.
— Aeons: He has a really unique relationship with Anima, some exploration of that would be fascinating! I find the whole Anima story really tragic and beautiful, but also kinda sexy at the same time. This is a good slant to explore a Seymour's relationship with his mother (incestuous or otherwise, I enjoy either!) if you wanted to - her devotion to him must have been so strong to make such a sacrifice!
— Sex Pollen: Guadosalam being near Macalania has many opportunities for plant-related sexy pollen shenanigans. Maybe he gets imperilled by pollen when he's alone and gets fucked by vines or otherwise, or has to wank himself completely dry!
— Misc: A moment alone between temple visits - what sort of little personal rituals would he have? How does he dress himself with those intricate summoner robes? How does he do his hair? Literally anything character studyey, I’d read about him forever!

Auron/Jecht/Braska Ahh, one of my oldest ships! I love their whole dynamic, how they support each other on Braska's pilgrimage, and how their personalities all offset each other perfectly. I'm just a sucker for that kind of pre-canon journeying together kinda thing, you know?

I don't really have any pre-established headcanons for their dynamic and it's been over a decade since I read anything for them, so I'd be happy to read anything!

Prompts & Ideas

— Journeying: Braska's pilgrimage is basically just one big missing scene. I'd love to see anything on that journey; small moments around the campfire, struggling to take down a strong fiend, watching a beautiful sunset or sharing a drink and a meal.
— Sparring: I'm a sucker for sparring scenes in general, and I think it would be really fun to see Jecht and Auron sparring together! It'd also be interesting to see Braska's fighting style too, so feel free to go wild with your headcanons cos I've none of my own for him really!
— Sharing space: Sharing a tent together, sharing blankets at night, huddling for warmth, hiding from something, all pressed up against each other - especially fun to think about how Auron and Braska adjust to Jecht's presence after they free him from jail!
— Rivalry to Lovers: It's evident that Auron and Jecht don't get on at first, and I'd love to see how their relationship grows as all three of them grow closer and more intimate. Both of them vying for Braska's attentions, or Jecht making their sexual encounters competitive because he's Jecht. How would Braska react to this? I feel like he'd be gently amused and tolerant, maybe even enjoying watching them

Baldur's Gate 3
Omeluum/Blurg Absolutely not a ship I expected to come out of bg3 shipping, but in hindsight, knowing me, I should not be surprised! I absolutely LOVE these two old mushroom husbands (gender neutral)! I love to think about them pre-relationship, I love to think about their first meeting, I love to think about them being in an established relationship for many years, I love to think about them doing research together huddled over a bench, I love to think of them caring for each other, I just.... Love to think of them!! AHHH!!! I don't have any top/bottom preferences, I like either of them topping!

Prompts & Ideas

— Age: I hc that Blurg is on the older side for a hobgoblin, as a treat! He has grey hair, this might as well be canon (/delusional). EITHER WAY I love to see age-related things with him and Omeluum
— Size Difference: Omeluum is a lot taller than Blurg, but Blurg is a lot wider than it is!!! The size of his hands makes me insane, the size of his arms makes me even more insane!!! The size of his thighs- okay you get the idea. Omeluum is also very slim and bony, as illithids tend to be! Imagining Blurg manhandling it around, or it seeing him lift a heavy thing or flex his arms and getting unexpectedly horny, hrrrr
— Mind Linking: I love it when they talk to each other inside their heads, and when they share their experiences like a sex and pleasure feedback loop, and especially if that is super overwhelming and overstimulating for Blurg (in a good way).
— Genitals: Yeah yeah this gets a whole item, shut up. I like to hc that hobgoblins have REALLY BIG COCKS and I especially like to hc that Blurg's is pierced. And what if they have knots :3c Additionally, I hc that Omeluum has an ovipositor! Whether this is an all-illithids kinda thing or a just-Omeluum kinda thing is up to you.
— Hurt/Comfort: I really REALLY love to think about Omeluum's return from the Iron Throne, how it was almost certainly tortured there (it was strapped to one of those awful medical chairs! Augh!!) and how Blurg would react upon its safe return. Has the capture left permanent mental and physical scars? We know that it now has "an irrational fear of deep water" from one of its idle lines in the Lodge, so it's not too much of a stretch. How would Blurg help it afterwards? Would he carefully treat its wounds? Would he sleep in Omeluum's bed with it, to help it through nightmares? So many possibilities!
— Science: I love that they're both scientists!!! I love that they're so smart and clearly like working together for researching. I'd love to see them working together on Omeluum's project to make an ethical food source, or on something that Blurg is working on!

Ship-Specific Preferences and DNWs
— No pronouns other than it/its for Omeluum, and I prefer it to have either squssy (squid pussy!!!) or an ovipositor please
— I also don't like them as asexual, queerplatonic or any other headcanons like that.

Interview with the Vampire RPF
Eric Bogosian/Assad Zaman God, RPF Summer really is real you guys! These two have had me in their grasp and it's showing no sign of slowing down, I tell you what. I'm just obsessed with how much they both clearly enjoy the others' company, how playful they are and how unhinged they are in interviews. Like, we have Assad telling Eric that 'our characters are going to fuck' when they first met, Eric telling an interviewer that his libido is still going strong at 71, Eric posting a selfie of them both on insta and another actor saying "room for a third?" and Assad replying "no." The list goes on! Also they're both super hot, and the way they look at each other in interviews (and the way Assad touches Eric when he's being spoilery!!!) is just so damn good. Plus I'm a sucker for age difference (Eric is 71 and Assad is 34) and there's just so much to explore. For more details, I've collated all of their insane moments in my #zamasian primer tag on tumblr!

Prompts & Ideas

— Age gap: Yeahhh this is the biggie again! Assad is 34 and Eric is 71, that's just hot as fuck. I love to think about their difference in experience, how much Assad clearly looks up to Eric as a professional and experienced Theatre Guy, and how talented Eric thinks he is too!
— Shared Interests: They're both into stage theatre and seem to genuinely get on super well with each other, and I love to think about them arguing passionately about a play or reading books together curled on a sofa in winter.
— Sharing Clothes: Assad borrowing Eric's shirts and jumpers? GOOD. Eric stealing something of Assad's to keep him company while they're apart (and vice versa)? GOOD!!
— Bottom Eric: Yeah..... I want that old man to get fucked! I do like bottom Assad as well, but I'm just such a sucker for Eric getting fucked, I need to see more of that!!
— Smoking: Sharing a cigarette together, after sex or just normally, huddled under a shelter in the rain and cold, very damn hot. Also a big fan of stubbing cigs out on the other, especially on Assad's chest...
— Shibari: I feel like they'd both enjoy this so much!! I've rambled about the scenarios a few times on tumblr here and here, so feel free to use those ideas!

— Erectile dysfunction & soft cock worship: I love this so much!!! I love it!!! I love how it highlights Eric's age, especially if Assad can keep on going for a lot longer/more times than he can. I love it if Assad finds it really hot, enjoying his soft cock and how it feels, maybe mix it with cockwarming or blowjobs while soft, just casual soft intimacy, you know?
— Shaving: Considering Eric shaving Assad's face... considering it really fucking hard! I like to think Eric is one of those straight razor old fashioned kinda guys (also it's so hot...), and the trust involved in letting someone shave your face is just. HRGH. Yes good!!! Especially good if they've not moved into having a relationship together, so it's combined with all this pent up UST and tension!!
— Long-distance/epistolary: I love LOVE texting, emails, socmed based epistolary for modern long-distance kinds of relationship! Bits of whatsapp messages, emails to each other back and forth, even about just inconsequential things like what they've had to eat, what books they're reading, a play Eric saw that he thinks Assad will like. Them tagging each other in insta posts, or sharing photos with each other from their days you know? Especially love this to have a sort of underpinning wistfulness and loneliness as they wish they were together - but with a positive ending of them meeting again! Phone sex, sexting or anything else equally loved!

Coldfire Trilogy - C.S. Friedman
Gerald Tarrant/Damien Vryce So I did a reread of the series for my fantasy bingo card last year and oh my god, I'm so sick for them!! I love everything about these two and their relationship - the very key differences between them, how they come to uneasy truces in the beginning that turn into bone deep trust, even though Damien second-guesses himself and overthinks everything as usual. I love Damien's referring to himself as "Priest" even in his own thoughts, and Tarrant being so fastidious and vain that he'll spend valuable power just to keep his hair perfect in poor conditions, how they both do so many little tiny things for each other that show just how much they care without using those words. AHHH!!!

Prompts & Ideas

— Size Difference: Damien is so big and it fucks me up!!! It's mentioned so many times that he's built like a brick shithouse and I'm obsessed with it, especially compared to Tarrant, who is lithe and tall, but still so strong.
— Bed Sharing: I really like a lot of good old tropes with these two - forced to share a bed because of terrible travelling conditions! Trapped in a small hut while they wait out bad weather! Tensions rise, Damien is cranky and conflicted about how much he feels for Tarrant, and cranky because of those feelings!
— Injury/Illness: We get so much of this already in the books, but I love it when one of them gets injured or ill, or pushes past their limits, and then the other has to help them back to health again. Cool touches to sooth fevers, shielding Tarrant from the sunlight, healing wounds together, Damien having to hold off fae creatures while Tarrant recovers from something, auughhhh!! I love hurt/comfort for this kind of trope!!
— Mind Link: Their mind link is everything to me!! I know it's to share nightmares so that Gerald can feed, but what if they shared more than just nightmares, wink wink. What if dreaming is the only place where Damien will allow himself to actually let go of his uptightness and give in to the feelings he has for Tarrant? I'd also love to see exploration of how it actually happened, because it sounded very erotic in the book but then we got like 0 description!! What if Gerald can feel Damien's conflicted feelings about him but most importantly, his feelings for him? Or what if they share these feelings during sex?!
— Post-Books: I'd love to see something about what happens after the series ends! How does Damien feel about Gerald now being in a different body? How would they deal with not being able to talk about it? More importantly, how would Damien feel about whether or not they had consummated their feelings before this? If they had, would he mourn the loss of Gerald's old beautiful body? Would he be recounting all the differences between it and the new one? If they hadn't consummated, would he have regrets about it? Would they both have regrets? I'm not sure whether I prefer it for them to have entered into a physical relationship before or after, so go with whatever you feel, lovely author! I'd love some angst with a happy ending on this one.
— Missing Scenes: I love travel style narratives because they give lots and lots of opportunity to explore scenes that might have happened but weren't described in the canon! I'd love to see something almost domestic - breaking camp and taking care of their animals, polishing and taking care of their weapons, maybe learning from each other or sparring? With little touches or charged looks and lots and lots of UST. Good shite!

Ship/Character specific DNWs
— I really don't want any unhappy endings for them please - I know it's a difficult pairing and I like hurt/comfort, but I want them to be happy and the comfort levels to be strong!!

Cemeteries of Amalo - Katherine Addison
Thara Celehar/Iäna Pel-Thenhior While I loved the Goblin Emperor, it wasn't until I absolutely devoured the Cemeteries of Amalo books that I actually got fannish about a ship and even some characters at all. Iäna and Thara are just too fucking cute and I can't deal!!! I love the slow-burn feel of their relationship, the layers and layers of UST and denial and trauma on Thara's behalf. I just love Thara so much too, he's very much a character archetype that I adore - the stiff, tightly buttoned up guy with darkness and pain in his past.

Even though I hugely ship them, I'd also be happy with anything about them to be honest! I love it when Iäna is showing Thara his operas, or when they're having tea together or just sharing little moments together. But if you want to write shippy, then I'd especially love something explicit!

Prompts & Ideas
— Opera: This is kind of an obvious one for these two, I know! I love it when Thara gets to experience one of Iäna's operas, seeing his reactions and how Iäna thrives off that! I love Iäna's enthusiasm for his job, and how much he loves to share it with Thara, so it'd be fun to see him throwing ideas around with him, or discussing reviews or even just Thara letting himself hang out at the Vermillion with the cast and with Iäna.
— First Times: What would their first times be like! Their first kiss, their first intimacy, their first time having sex?? I know there's a lot of first times stories around already, but I would read any and all variations upon that theme I'm not gonna lie. Insert "oh my god, 2 cakes" meme here.
— Domesticity: Again, I'd love to see any and all scenes of them being domestic with each other!! Whether from a non-relationship POV or an already together POV or a pre-relationship thing with UST and tenderness and and and- I wanna see Thara introduce Iäna to the cats! And Iäna to show Thara all his favourite, slightly illicit places (and Thara's response ofc)!! Iäna making Thara laugh, or them just hanging out at his apartment or at the Torivontaram!
— Size Difference: I just like to think about it...... willowy Thara, just a little shorter than Iäna but a lot thinner, ahhhhh. Also the difference in their dress and even their ornamentation, they're such a lovely contrast to each other!!

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes So I've loved Bucky for very, very many years, and while I've always been a casual Steve/Bucky fan, Falcon and the Winter Soldier just hugely ignited the Sam/Bucky in me and oops, new huge OTP!!! My knowledge of both characters is restricted entirely to the Captain America films (inclusive of Brave New World) and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I haven't seen anything else, so if you want to go for something set after FatWS for example, I'd prefer it to be not from another canon.

I'm good with any of the freeform tags being combined for any of these requests! Let your heart fly free :3

Ship specific DNWs
— No congressman Bucky please!
— While rape and noncon are fine for Bucky's backstory, please none between requested pairings and I'd prefer if it wasn't the majority of the fic as a focus
— If you want to include Zemo (I'm very good with this!!), please no noncon between him and Sam or Bucky

James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson (hurt Bucky)
— A/B/O - first time omega is treated well through their heat
— A/B/O - Longterm Use of Suppressants Has Bad Effects; Character Uses Them Anyway
— A/B/O - Omega expects to be raped during heat; is comforted instead
— Altered States - Omega Needs Help During Painfully Strong Heat
— Childbirth; Difficult Pregnancy; Infertility
— PTSD from traumatic childbirth
— Lactation - needs to be drunk from
— I LOVE the idea of omegaverse with these two, and I especially love the idea that Bucky was previously an alpha and basically bitched/turned into an omega due to the Winter Soldier program. Especially fun to think about if all his previous heats and sex experience as an omega was down to HYDRA trash party shenanigans, meaning he's not yet experienced a pleasant heat!!!
— I love the idea of Bucky using suppressants even though he knows they're really dangerous/bad for him, and this could be fun if it was linked to infertility or hell, even extra fertility when he stops taking them, or leading to an extra strong heat/altered state kinda affair
— It would be VERY fun and traumatic if Bucky had become pregnant during this past experience and had Issues related to that now he's in a safe relationship with an alpha (or beta!) who's decidedly not going to do that to him! >:3
— Lactation could be related to any of these, it's all incredibly hot as a combo!!

— Altered States - Past trauma surfaces when character is feverish/delirious;
— Character A is Touchstarved while Character B notices and tries to help;
— Character A is given photos & details about Character B's torture;
— Character A is self-conscious about their scars; B touches them for comfort and affection;
— Character A tries to help Character B without offending their pride and dignity;
— Sex pollen reminds character of past trauma
— Kinda sticking together all the ones relating to Bucky's past trauma and experience as the Winter Soldier because it's tasty and I love to think how it affects his life in the present, and especially how Sam would deal with learning in more painful detail about exactly what happened to him, how their relationship might evolve as a result of that
— Sex pollen is just EXCELLENT and even moreso if you have those sweet painful traumatic memoriesss

— edgeplay due to thin line between kink and trigger
— Edgeplay is one of my faves, especially with weapons involved (knifeplay!!!!! gunporn!!!!!), and the idea of Bucky desperately needing it but it being so so close to the tipping point into Winter Soldier Hell is just like catnip to me!!!

— A can't sleep unless B is close - A tries to hide that;
— Character A shares body heat with Character b to keep them alive and warm
— I love that Bucky slept so peacefully on Sarah's sofa; I LOVE that he smiled when he woke up, that it was seemingly the first time he'd slept on something other than the fucking floor of his apartment! Maybe he slept well because he knew Sam was nearby, maybe after that he goes back to sleeping like absolute shit again and realising that yeah, damn, maybe it's because of Sam being there… — This could tie in quite nicely with sharing body heat - Bucky realising this after they need to share body heat to stay alive?

— Bargaining - Victim Offers/Sacrifices Self to Protect Others
— I want to see him realising how much Sam means to him by the fact that he's willing to sacrifice his safety for him!! Especially juicy if Bucky's offer is related to him reverting back to his Winter Soldier state.

— Battle - Battle injuries pile up over time;
— Hiding an injury that is steadily getting worse
— I just love this trope so much!! Especially fun if the injuries get so bad as to be life-threatening, and even moreso if Bucky downplays them because he's so used to being serum-powered that he can't admit when he's done

— Caring for Prosthetics
— I love maintenance stuff, especially for something as intimate and personal as Bucky's arm. I'd love to see Sam helping Bucky out with it, while still attached or when its detached; Bucky enjoying the intimacy and Sam's gentle, competent work (Bucky as a guy who gets off on competency? Hello); and the levels of trust it'd take — especially if he thinks back to his arm being detached by the Dora Milaje!!

— Wingfic - Character is tortured by hurting their wings;
— Wingfic - Character uses their already-injured wings to shield others from harm;
— Wingfic - Character using their injured wings to shelter/comfort other characters;
— Wingfic - Wing Growing Pains
— Bucky with wings? :eye emoji: Honestly I love wingfic and I don't have any specific thoughts about it for these particular prompts. I just think it'd be neat!

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