AGE: 61
HEIGHT: 6'8"
RACE: Elezen | Landisian
BIRTHPLACE: Mannatheihwo
❝If you are so eager to feed the flames of war, then I shall be happy to oblige!❞

CANON POINT: Bozja, Save the Queen questline
BUILD: Tall and slender
HAIR: Gingery blonde, shot through with grey
EYES: Palest blue, right eye white (headcanon)
JOB: Black Mage ~ Pyromancer
ORIGINS: Born in Mannatheihwo, Landis, Sartauvoir was a member of their famed order of Mage-Knights
  • Basch van Gabranth - Legatus of the IVth Legion (deceased), (headcanon: husband)
  • Sadr rem Albeleo - Tutor in magicks
  • OCCUPATION: Pyromancer Centurio of the IVth Imperial Legion

    WEAPON: Palladium Rod
  • Head: Diamond Hat of Casting
  • Body: Diamond Coat of Aiming (Rust Red)
  • Hands: True Linen Gloves of Casting (Rust Red)
  • Legs: Ramie Tonban of Casting
  • Feet: Eikon Leather Boots of Casting

  • PERSONALITY:Sartauvoir holds a high standard for his troops, as seen when he admonishes that his troops are the pride of the Empire, yet still struggle against resistance rabble. He sees his former legatus, Basch, in high regard as he convinced him to join the legion and gave his undying loyalty to him. Even in his final battle against the resistance he prays that Basch is watching over him and uses what he taught him in battle. Sartauvoir is one of the most sadistic in the IVth Imperial Legion and his favorite pastime is burning people alive. As he excels in using fire magic he references the flame frequently.
  • Pyretic Eruption - [TBA]
  • Pyroscatter - [TBA]
  • Tridirectional Flame - [TBA]
  • Pyroburst - [TBA]
  • Grand Crossflame - A wide cross AoE In the middle of the arena. Simply step out of the AoE to avoid.
  • Firestarter - [TBA]

  • —DUEL—

  • Meltdown - A pulsing AOE aimed at the player
  • Time Eruption - Clocks will spawn on the floor in a grid. Players need to locate the slowest turning clock and stand on that square until the rest of the clocks explode, then move off the clock to avoid that explosion.
  • Thermal Gust - The boss fires a line AoE at random players. These can be avoided by anyone who isn't targeted.
  • Phenex - charge in a straight line across the arena. Step out from in front of them to avoid.
  • ★Pyrolatry★ - Sartauvoir will call upon his Mannatheihwon magicks and transform himself into a larger form, which resembles a fiery version of the Living Liquid boss from the Alexander raid series
  • Flashover - Point blank AOE from the centre of the room
  • Flaming Rain - Three sets of three AOEs
  • Backdraft - Knockback from the centre of the room
  • Thermal Wave - Three back-to-back conal AOEs
  • Pillar of Flame - Three AOEs in the corners, with one of them underneath the player
  • Bio IV - A 60k damage tick poison dot. Player must use a Resistance Medikit


  • Pyrokinesis - Room-wide damage, mitigate and heal.
  • Reverse Time Eruption - A series of four AOEs on the floor like clocks. This time, the slowest clock erupts first
  • Hyperpyroplexy - A series of six meteors which must be soaked. If not soaked, each player receives a Vulnerability stack per unsoaked meteor
  • ★Pyroplexy★ - Sartauvoir will call upon his Mannatheihwon magicks and transform himself into a larger form, which resembles a fiery version of the final boss in The Grand Cosmos, Lugus
  • Burn - [TBA]
  • Immolate - [TBA]
  • Burning Blade - A heavy-hitting tankbuster. Mitigate.
  • Mannatheihwon Flame - Deals raid-wide damage and drops cross marks in the front of random players hitboxes. To deal with this, all players should stack and face the same direction to bait the crosses to fire in one direction.
  • Right/Left Brand - The boss will telegraph what side the attack will fire from and will cleave that entire side of the arena based on where he is facing.
  • Double Cast - Four players are marked with AoEs and a player is marked with a stack marker. Players with the AoE should spread out, while everyone else stacks with the player with the marker.
  • Pyrodoxy - [TBA]


    Handwritten notes on the history and character of the IVth's puissant pyromancer, Sartauvoir quo Soranus.

    An influential centurion of the IVth Imperial Legion, Sartauvoir quo Soranus does not originally hail from the Empire. After the successful invasion of Bozja, the IVth was ordered by Emperor Solus to proceed to their next target, the Kingdom of Dalmasca. Legatus Basch van Gabranth secretly feared Dalmasca's war mages and - seeking to fight fire with fire, as it were - hatched a plan to form his own contingent of powerful sorcerers. To accomplish this, he set his eyes on the subjugated former Republic of Landis - in particular, Mannatheihwo, the only city in the republic to boast its own company of mage-knights. Though it was common practice for the Garleans to disband the knight companies of the nations it conquered and absorb them into the imperial army, their hatred of all things magical compelled them to quash the mage-knights of Mannatheihwo entirely. Fearing for their lives, these sorcerers had fled their homes and scattered across once-proud Landis. Knowing this, Legatus Gabranth set out in search of them.

    One such mage was Sartauvoir, who had taken up residence in a small farming hamlet a stone's throw from the city where he concealed his identity, posing as a local tutor and academic. Discovered and approached by the IVth, the proud mage initially rebuffed their advances, but began to take an interest in their offer upon hearing of Legatus Gabranth's vision, similar and yet fundamentally different from that of the Empire he so despised. Realizing what Sartauvoir could offer them, the IVth - patiently, yet persistently - reached out to him on multiple occasions, trusting the mage would have a change of heart. One day, Sartauvoir was greeted at his place of learning by a soldier unfamiliar to him. Though the soldier stood alone, was advanced in years, and carried not even a dagger in his hand, Sartauvoir knew in an instant that even his most potent incantations would be no match for this man. So it was that he exchanged words face-to-face for the first time with Basch van Gabranth, and so it was that the mage - struck to his very core by the legatus's words - did swear to him his undying loyalty.

    In the nigh thirty years since, Sartauvoir has served the IVth well and true. Though he has honed his already-potent skills to greater heights of power under the tutelage of Sadr rem Albeleo, his pride as a mage-knight of Mannatheihwo still burns within him as fierce as the blazing infernos he wreaks upon his foes. And yet he wields his magicks not in the name of wanton destruction, but rather in the hope of realizing the long-held dream of Noah van Gabranth - the same dream once held by his father...

    ♥ translated by Gekkou ♥

    Sartauvoir quo Soranus is the leader of the mage regiment of the IV. legion. After the legion had conquered Bozja, they prepared the invasion of the kingdom of Dalmasca. Basch van Gabranth, then the legatus of the IVth legion, viewed the mages in the military of Dalmasca as his biggest obstacle. To fight fire with fire, Basch formed a mage regiment in the IVth legion. At first he planned to recruit some of the mage knights of the recently subjugated Landis. The city of Mannatheihwo was famous for the magically gifted knights, who used their abilities as effective weapons. But many of the mages had fallen in the war or had fled after the defeat. Basch ordered a search for survivors to use for his own plans.

    Sartauvoir was one of those. The Garleans found him in a small village near Mannatheihwo, where he was hiding and leading a small academy. At first he refused to help the oppressors of his home country, but the Garleans didn't back down. After some time an unknown fighter appeared in front of Sartauvoir's academy. He was old and carried neither weapons nor armour, despite that Sartauvoir knew at once that he had no chance to best the man with his magic. This stranger was Basch van Gabranth. Sartauvoir was so impressed by Basch and his visionary plan, that he swore loyalty to him.

    Since then thirty years have passed. The mage regiment was reinforced by the powerful mage Albeleo but at its core it still consisted of the mages from Mannatheihwo. Sartauvoir proudly kept the traditions of his home alive but also readily learned from Albeleo. Together with the new legatus of the IVth legion, Noah van Gabranth, he tries to make Basch's legacy reality.

    → In the ENG version, "Sartauvoir taken up residence in a small farming hamlet a stone's throw from the city where he concealed his identity, posing as a local tutor and academic", whereas in the GER translation, it states "in a small village near Mannatheihwo, where he was hiding and leading a small academy" - this has hilarious implications about Sartauvoir's idea of laying low after the Garlean invasion of Mannatheihwo. Obviously the next village over he deems to be far enough away (!!) and the idea that he's running a small academy (!!!) is the most ridiculous idea of going incognito ever.
    → When we look at the sections about Basch, the ENG field note states "so it was that the mage - struck to his very core by the legatus's words - did swear to him his undying loyalty", vs the GER note "Sartauvoir was so impressed by Basch and his visionary plan, that he swore loyalty to him." I personally prefer the ENG version in this case, for the undying loyalty part. Ough, the implications...


    Unrest for the Wicked

    ❝Scouts report that an enemy patrol has halted to rest in an easily assaulted position. Seize this opportunity to thin the imperials' ranks.❞

    → Spawn Criteria: n/a

    → Location: Bozjan Southern Front ~ Zone 1: Southern Entrenchment (X:24.3, Y:27.6)
    → Experience: 206,568-319,770
    → Mettle: 200-6,000
    → Rewards: x1 Southern Front Lockbox, x1 Garlean Synthetic Fabric (requires 'Let Me Holster That for You' quest to be active), x1 Forgotten Fragment of Preparation, x1 Bozjan Coin

    Pyromancer Supreme

    ❝An influential centurion—and powerful pyromancer—has arrived to chastise the Resistance. Snuff Sartauvoir's flame before all are consumed in fiery devastation.❞

    → Spawn Criteria: Completion of 'Help Wanted' skirmish

    → Location: Bozjan Southern Front ~ Zone 2: Old Bozja (X:18.2, Y:20.9)
    → Experience: 217,440-336,600
    → Mettle: 1,080-10,800
    → Rewards: Field Notes on Velibor (★★★ rarity), x1 Southern Front Lockbox,
    x1 Forgotten Fragment of Care, x1 Bozjan Coin

    Of Steel and Flame

    ❝As the Resistance prepares to strike directly at Castrum Lacus Litore, the way is barred by both Sartauvoir quo Soranus and Sicinius mal Vellutus, two of the deadliest opponents to grace the southern front. Though the elite members of Gunnhildr's Blades have entered the fray, even their considerable strength may not be enough to emerge victorious.❞

    → Spawn Criteria: Completion of 'For Absent Friends' Skirmish, which is spawned by killing 4th Legion Scorpions

    → Location: Bozjan Southern Front ~ Zone 3: The Alermuc Climb (X:14.3, Y:18.2)
    → Experience: 228,312-353,430
    → Mettle: 2,340-15,600
    → Rewards: Field Notes on Sartauvoir (★★★★★ rarity), x1 Southern Front Lockbox,
    x1 Forgotten Fragment of Compassion, x1 Bozjan Coin


    Metal Fox Chaos

    ❝While Sicinius mal Vellutus is known for restoring ancient machinery, he is not one to snub more recent technological advancements. One such example is the Dáinsleif, an impressive nine-tailed warmachina that resembles a fox in appearance and animalistic cunning.❞

    → Spawn Criteria: Completion of 'Of Steel and Flame' Skirmish

    → Location: Bozjan Southern Front ~ Zone 3: The Alermuc Climb ((X:14.3, Y:18.3)
    → Experience: 570,780-883,575
    → Mettle: 5,850-39,000
    → Rewards: x2 Southern Front Lockbox, x10 Forgotten Fragment of Resolve, x3 Bozjan Coin


    And the Flames Went Higher

    ❝Of all the mages assigned to the IVth Legion, Sartauvoir quo Soranus is one of the most experienced...and most sadistic. The Bozjan southern front has provided him with the perfect arena to demonstrate his remarkable control of flame and take part in his favorite pastime: burning people alive.❞

    Spawn Criteria
    → Completion of 'Metal Fox Chaos' without dying and not receiving any stacks of Vulnerability Up will allow the player to qualify for the 'And the Flames Went Higher' duel.

    → Location: Bozjan Southern Front ~ Zone 3: The Alermuc Climb (X:18.7, Y:15.9)
    → Experience: n/a
    → Mettle: 58,500-390,000
    → Rewards: Field Notes on Sartauvoir (guaranteed), x99 Southern Front Lockbox,
    x3 Bozjan Coin
    → Guides: MrHappy @ YouTube, The Phookas Cheese Guide @ YouTube


    Sartauvoir the Inferno

    ❝The Dalriada's engines have failed, forcing it to the ground. The Resistance would seize this opportunity to storm the warship, and at last put an end to the imperials' presence in Bozja.❞

    → Location: Zadnor
    → Experience: 2,174,400-3,366,000
    → Mettle: 3,375,000
    → Rewards: x40 Bozjan Mythril Coin, x1 Forgotten Fragment of Revelation,
    x1 Forgotten Fragment of Heroism, x1 Forgotten Fragment of Cunning, x20 Bozjan
    Mythril Coin (bonus chest, time-based)

    Unrest for the Wicked

    → ❝What's this I see? The pride of the Empire hard-pressed by Resistance rabble?❞
    → ❝Bah, this brutish squabble has gone on long enough.❞
    → ❝If you are so eager to feel the flames of war, then I shall be happy to oblige!❞

    Skirmish VICTORY
    → ❝Hmph, you are more stalwart than I gave you credit for.❞
    → ❝A poor showing from my own troops, but nevertheless...they served well enough to keep you distracted.❞
    → ❝We will meet again, I think. In fact, I shall make certain of it.❞

    Skirmish FAILED
    → ❝Hmph. The briefest lick of fire, and they burn to cinders.❞
    → ❝Why, this "Resistance" may as well be a stack of kindling!❞
    → ❝Withdraw at your leisure, men. The enemy is beaten.❞

    Pyromancer Supreme

    → ❝[sigh] Once again I find our soldiers succumbing to an inferior force.❞
    → ❝...Ah, but of course. I must stand before the vaunted "hero of the Resistance."❞
    → ❝Fear not, Albeleo.
    I, Sartauvoir quo Soranus, will reduce this nuisance to ash.❞
    → ❝Hah! Though I grow old and grey, ever does the thrill of battle stoke the embers of my soul!❞
    → ❝Yes... The inferno builds to an all-consuming finale! Embrace the spectacle or perish!❞

    Skirmish VICTORY
    → ❝Glorious! Simply glorious! You see how one must heed the words of one's elders?❞
    → ❝...Even as a soldier must heed the commands of his general. I leave you now, but know that this contest will have its conclusion!❞

    Skirmish FAILED
    → ❝A pity. I had hoped for a more worthy contest.❞
    → ❝Still, a soldier must fight as his general commands. We have not the luxury of choosing our opponents...❞

    Of Steel and Flame

    → ❝You may have gained the upper hand, but my flames yet long to feast on your living flesh!❞
    → ❝I shall scatter your ash on the wind!❞
    → Strength in numbers will not spare them from the inferno!❞

    Skirmish VICTORY
    → ❝I had judged them to be no better than the rank and file, but I was mistaken.❞
    → ❝Then our excursion is at an end. Until we next meet, Bozjans.❞

    Skirmish FAILED
    → ❝Simpleton! Your steel is no match for all-consuming flame!❞
    → ❝Prepare all you like, it will avail you naught.❞


    And the Flames Went Higher

    ❝Oh, how I have waited for this moment.
    Let us see whose flame burns brightest!❞

    → ❝Bear witness to my might!❞
    → ❝Time to end this.❞
    → ❝Flame, take flight!❞
    → ❝Will you burn, or will you melt?❞

    → ❝At last, a worthy foe!❞
    → ❝Now, you shall witness my true power!❞
    → ❝I am just getting started!❞
    → ❝Hahaha! I shall sear the flesh from your bones!❞
    → ❝Hahahaha! Now do you see?❞
    → ❝I have enjoyed our time together, but all things must come to an end.❞
    → ❝Unnngh... I must conserve aether.❞
    → ❝Haaa...haaa... I am not through with you yet, savage!❞

    → ❝Though it galls me to use such underhanded tactics, for you, poison will suffice.❞
    → ❝You shan't be so lucky a second time!❞
    → ❝I am the inferno!❞
    → ❝Ashes to ashes!❞
    → ❝The light of my flame grows dim...❞
    → ❝Ha...ha... No, not yet...❞

    Duel ENRAGE
    → ❝I tire of your impudence. Now, I shall reduce you to ash, bones and all!❞

    Duel WON
    → ❝My flames...extinguished? How can this be!?❞

    Duel FAILED
    → ❝All in all, a poor display. How disappointing.❞


    Sartauvoir the Inferno

    ❝Aha, so it was you who thought to sneak inside. Well, this suits me just fine.❞

    While casting Time Eruption & Reverse Time Eruption
    → ❝Time is mine to command. Mine to control!❞
    → ❝I'm afraid time is not on your side, friend, for it bends to my will!❞

    While casting Pyroplexy to transform
    → ❝It seems you truly do live up to your reputation.❞
    → ❝But you've not won yet. I will offer my soul to the fires, if I must.
    Become flames made flesh!❞

    → ❝Ugh... I mustn't succumb to the flames. Not yet...
    I'll not sully his memory by giving up now!❞
    → ❝If this is where I must die, I will not do so alone! Basch! I pray you are watching!❞

    → ❝Legatus Basch taught me well, as you will now see.❞
    → ❝I pour my all into this blade, kissed by the flames of Mannatheihwo!❞
    → ❝The flames will consume you all!❞

    Fight WON
    → ❝The flames have been...extinguished.❞
    → ❝Basch... I have failed you...❞

    ABOUT: This will be my eventual Sart/Basch shipping manifesto!
    ABOUT: This will be a catalogue of my Sart/Basch fanfic
    ABOUT: This will be a list of other Sartauvoir related fanfic links, with reviews/comments from me
    ABOUT: This will be a collection of art I've commissioned or been gifted, as well as any art which I have permission to link to or post from the original artist
    —MERCH, MEMES & AUs—
    ABOUT: This will be a catalogue of Sartauvoir related merch I own, random memes I've made for him, as well as different versions of Sartauvoir I've made in other games, character creators, etc.
    ABOUT: This will contain a collection of Bozja lore relating to Sartauvoir and Basch, including text from the Gangos node and a timeline of the IVth Legion
    ABOUT: This will be a list of affiliated Bozja-related sites and other pertinent links. Potentially also a fanlisting!
    abilities & spells
    field notes
    quotes & lines
    quail's fic
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    quail's gpose
    merch, etc.
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