posted to twitter @ Oct 27, 2021
"Why the long face, Soranus? I would have thought you'd be happy to see me, after all this time."
"My Lord Basch... it cannot be true! Gilbrisbert said... but I discounted it for the ramblings of over-excited youth..."
My first ever set of Sart/Basch gpose pics! This was my first iteration of Basch where I made him using the normal player midlander face 3 as the oldest looking one. Of course then I found out about the actual old male midlander face/body, and I never looked back! He looks kind of like a weird potato to me now lol, and one friend said this version reminded them of a ditto, so I now think of him as ditto!Basch hehe.

posted to twitter @ Oct 28, 2021
"It feels like a dream..."
"If 'tis a dream, 'tis not one I would soon wake up from."
It took me a long time to be able to ignore the weird skin textures on the old man bodies, and you can see here that I was having an issue with my shaders on the beard edges, but oh my god, I didn't even care because LOOK AT THEM!!! Quite literally living the dream of posing old men in intimate positions... I still get emotional looking at this set, ahhhh I just love them so much...